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Adding Multiple products to a dispatch request
Dispatchers regularly have requests for multiple products at the same location under the same order. It would be great if we could tag multiple products from the ...
Create orders from mobile management app
Add / edit orders and/or quotes from the Fast-Weigh mobile application. Currently it displays production numbers for a location but order management would be great
Order Level Ticket Quantity
Being able to set ticket quantities at the order level in fast-weigh would really benefit us. Two problems arise from the current ticket copy settings.
1. We use ...
Ticket Copy Preferences set at the order level
Setting number of ticket copies to print at the order level
Request number that would be assigned to the request after saving it
This will help us and drivers to explain more efficiently to weigh master as to what request is being scaled at that time.
Add PO# to a Dispatch
Dispatch is going to be taking the orders and makes sense for them to go ahead and put in a PO for the Request especially if a generic sales order has been selected. ...
Phone numbers in Orders
It would be great to have a separate field in an order to enter phone numbers that you could search by for customers to quickly locate their orders!
Geofence Based Arrival and Departure
From a simplicity standpoint for drivers it would be beneficial to have an integration or automated function that allows for arrival and departure based on entering ...
Print Ticket Note on Mobile Ticketing ticket
Print the ticket note on the actual ticket created with the mobile ticketing application.
Minimum Freight Quantity
Add setting for minimum freight quantity. For example, Freight quantity minimum is 13 Tons. Customer orders 8 Tons of material but is charged for 13 Tons.
"ALL" locations for individual regions on FW Manage Mobile App
Currently only option when selecting a specific region in the FW Manage Mobile App is a specific location. Need the ability to select all locations for specific ...
Custom Fields Flexibility
Allow for different types of Custom fields other than text or numeric just as checkboxes or dates. Allow placement ability where it shows up. Allow Order and Quote ...
WARN / RESTRICT Settings for Customers who have exceeded credit limit in Scale App
Add setting for Weigh-Master to be warned or denied on ticket creation if a customer has exceeded their credit limit.
Add additional dispatch information to the link sent through SMS
Add in the order description and PO/Job # to the webpage that is sent with Dispatch Add SMS
Add informational pop-up feature/functionality
It would be most helpful if we had the capability to add an informational pop-up note of sorts, which would help us share pertinent information about a customer ...
Effective Dates on Tax Codes
Typically states release Tax updates a few months ahead of time and we would like to have these set when we receive them. It would also help with billing and cash ...
Pay Type Cash - Hide
A new pay type in order called Cash-Hide. When selected the amounts would appear on the ticketing app at time of ticket but would not print on the ticket that is ...
Add in the Order Description field to the Ticket Summary on the Mobile Management App
Add in the Order Description to the Ticket Summary where the information is summarized by the Order number.
Conditional formatting
The ability to put conditional formatting on data. For instance, on a defined load, the truck tare weight plus the calculated material weight exceeds 80,000lbs
Provide Option for Order Qtys to be for Daily, Monthly or Order
It would be helpful if there was the option to select whether the order quantity was for a daily, monthly or order total allotment. The active and expiration dates ...
Mobile App - signature erase
If we make a mistake in the signature field, there is no way to erase the signature on an iOS device. We can only go back and start the ticket all over again.
Add Request Description/Notes Column to the Request Dashboard
A column for Request Description or Notes to add specific details or reminders for the scale-master to see. Often times, we have scale-masters filling in at a new ...
Return Tab
I have some customers who return material from time to time because they took too much. The problem is that I have to adjust another ticket to account for that ...
Customer and Vendor name field size
Currently limited to 50 characters. Unfortunately because of how some vendors or customers are "dba", they have names longer than 50 characters. If the size of these ...
Ability to edit date on Mobile App Ticketing
Be able to edit the date on the Mobile App similar to the desktop app
Add Product from Template on the Mobile Ticketing App
Ability to add a product to an order from the Mobile Ticketing app similar to the desktop app.
Add the inventory page to the mobile app
It would be very helpful for sales, dispatching and production to have the ability to see the inventory in real time from the mobile app, just like on the web portal ...
Set a default Haul Zone for an Order or Order-Product
Set a default haul zone that can then be changed on ticketing, similar to the default tax code for tax code groups
Have an option to use actual ticket # on mobile ticket if internet is connected
Allow operator of mobile device to set a setting to use the actual Ticket # on mobile tickets if they have signal
Ordered by field
add an ordered by field at the dispatch level or provide for Dispatch user defined fields
Clear out data in credential field when there is a new driver login in mobile app for Dispatching.
We have drivers rotate trucks occasionally so we have the mobile application setup to automatically clear out the driver once the current driver clocks out. When the ...
Assign driver to truck based on the login provided on mobile app
We sometimes will have drivers drive other trucks than their typically assigned truck. We also have spare trucks that are used daily. Rather than having to assign ...
Add in a note field for the truck on Dispatch
Add option to add a note for each truck on the dispatch so you can give them individual extra info.
Ability to capture truck tare on mobile app
Add in the option to edit/tare in trucks using the mobile ticketing app.
Add ticket message field to the mobile app
This could be used for a disclaimer or any other customer message a company may need printed on their mobile ticket