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Adding Multiple products to a dispatch request

Dispatchers regularly have requests for multiple products at the same location under the same order. It would be great if we could tag multiple products from the ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (24 Mar, '21) Upvoted: 09 Oct Comments: 2

Dispatching Schedule

It would be useful to have all existing dispatches, trucks, and set days/times put together as a Dispatching schedule. Maybe add in a functionality to quickly add ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (12 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 09 Jan Comments: 0

Allow filtering and sorting dispatches by Location/Yard

Suggested by: <Hidden> (10 Jun, '20) Upvoted: 09 Jan Comments: 4
Under consideration Dispatching Web Portal

Add # of Trucks as a Dispatch Quantity Type option

There are requests that are sometimes based on the number of trucks and not units or loads. o Can the Quantity have alpha characters “steady”? o Or could the Choose ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (27 Jun, '22) Upvoted: 09 Jan Comments: 0
Under consideration Dispatching Web Portal

Dispatching Dashboard

Could there be summary boxes (Like on Home page), that would include something like: Active Requests, Hold Requests, Customers with Requests, Active Trucks, Active ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (27 Jun, '22) Upvoted: 29 Sep, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration Dispatching Web Portal

Request number that would be assigned to the request after saving it

This will help us and drivers to explain more efficiently to weigh master as to what request is being scaled at that time.
Suggested by: <Hidden> (27 Jun, '22) Upvoted: 09 Jun, '23 Comments: 0

Add PO# to a Dispatch

Dispatch is going to be taking the orders and makes sense for them to go ahead and put in a PO for the Request especially if a generic sales order has been selected. ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (27 Jun, '22) Upvoted: 09 Jun, '23 Comments: 0

Geofence Based Arrival and Departure

From a simplicity standpoint for drivers it would be beneficial to have an integration or automated function that allows for arrival and departure based on entering ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (26 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 24 Apr, '23 Comments: 0

Add in more priority options to Trucks for Dispatching

Suggested by: <Hidden> (12 Mar, '21) Upvoted: 25 Sep, '21 Comments: 0
Under consideration Dispatching

Display Loads Delivered/Remaining to Dispatching Dashboard

Show Loads Delivered and Loads Remaining on the Dispatching Dashboard overview cards so you can quickly see how many loads are remaining on a Dispatch.
Suggested by: <Hidden> (12 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 08 Jun, '21 Comments: 0

Make dispatches visible on the scale ticketing app

Add a screen on the scale ticketing app to view dispatches. As of now scale attendants need to have web portal access in order to view dispatches. This would be ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (08 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 29 Jan, '20 Comments: 0

Save request dispatch on Truck Order Assignment

Suggested by: <Hidden> (15 Dec, '20) Upvoted: 06 Sep, '22 Comments: 1
Done (New Scale Ticketing App) Dispatching Scale Ticketing App

Copy Notes with Copy Request button

When we are in the Request Dashboard and use the Copy Request button, the notes do not copy over to new order. Is it possible to have those copy over too?
Suggested by: <Hidden> (06 Sep, '22) Upvoted: 02 Nov, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration Dispatching Web Portal

Dispatch Notification to Location where dispatch is for

When a request is made, there doesn’t seem like a notification is sent to the quarry where the request would be picked up from. It would be needed so that the scales ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (27 Jun, '22) Upvoted: 09 Jun, '23 Comments: 0

Select the customer first and then the order number on the Create/Edit Request

The thought would be that Dispatch chooses the customer first and then can quickly select an order for that customer. (I know you can filter the order by Customer ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (27 Jun, '22) Upvoted: 09 Jun, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration Dispatching Web Portal

Distance/Mileage tracking in Dispatching

Suggested by: <Hidden> (19 Jul, '21) Upvoted: 11 Aug, '21 Comments: 0
Under consideration Dispatching Mobile App Web Portal

Change dispatches so product can be pulled from multiple locations for a single dispatch

Allow dispatchers to pull product for a dispatch from multiple locations. Example: Dispatch for 57 stone - Truck 101 assigned to haul out of Pit A - Truck 102 ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (08 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 12 Nov, '19 Comments: 0

Assign Haul Zone at Dispatch Level

allow for a dispatcher to select the Haulzone to be used for the dispatch and have that prepopulate on the ticketing screen
Suggested by: <Hidden> (22 Jan, '20) Upvoted: 08 Sep, '22 Comments: 2

Add additional dispatch information to the link sent through SMS

Add in the order description and PO/Job # to the webpage that is sent with Dispatch Add SMS
Suggested by: <Hidden> (16 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 18 Sep Comments: 2
Under consideration Dispatching Mobile App Web Portal

Show yard on Mobile Dispatching App

Suggested by: <Hidden> (17 Mar, '20) Upvoted: 17 Mar, '20 Comments: 1

Add "Print All" Option to Dispatch - Request Field

It would be helpful if there were a "Print All" button to print a full day's dispatch requests. We use these as a cover page for paperwork received by our drivers.
Suggested by: <Hidden> (11 Apr, '23) Upvoted: 13 Apr, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration Dispatching Web Portal

Auto-fill Request when selecting a truck to re-populate from LAST LOADS TODAY

We tested the Repeat loads from the Truck list on the scale. It does not show that a load is fulfilled if using that feature. Scale clerk must enter truck in ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (06 Sep, '22) Upvoted: 09 Jun, '23 Comments: 0
Done (New Scale Ticketing App) Dispatching Scale Ticketing App

Dispatch request times filtered to hours of operation

When entering a Dispatch request and customer wants it at a specific time, can we have that field only to show our hours of operation 6:30am – 4:30pm? We currently ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (06 Sep, '22) Upvoted: 09 Jun, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration Dispatching Web Portal

Location of Pickup not visible when adding dispatches to trucks from the Trucks View

Sometimes we can fulfill an order from multiple locations and yards depending on where the truck is and what is most efficient. When adding a request to a truck in ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (25 Jun, '21) Upvoted: 06 Sep, '22 Comments: 0
Under consideration Dispatching Web Portal

Add in a way for users to set up Dispatch, but not have access to assign haulers and trucks

Have a way for a user to set up the top part of a dispatch, but not control the Trucks or Haulers assigned to the dispatch
Suggested by: <Hidden> (23 Jun, '21) Upvoted: 27 Jan, '22 Comments: 0
Under consideration Dispatching Web Portal

show numbers of trucks assinged/requested on whitebaord

from a quick view it would be good to see how many trucks were requested vs assigned on and order without having to go in and check each one
Suggested by: <Hidden> (26 May, '20) Upvoted: 06 Sep, '22 Comments: 0
Under consideration Dispatching Web Portal

Truck keeping order assignment

You do have "truck assignment" however, rather than creating a truck profile, assigning the order, product, hauler every time under assignment then when truck changes ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (15 Mar) Upvoted: 15 Mar Comments: 0
Under consideration Dispatching

Add Request Description/Notes Column to the Request Dashboard

A column for Request Description or Notes to add specific details or reminders for the scale-master to see. Often times, we have scale-masters filling in at a new ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (02 Nov, '22) Upvoted: 02 Nov, '22 Comments: 0

Request Dashboard sorting (Time)

The time column is sorted numerically and not based on time. So 3pm shows before 8am. This is causing confusion and loads to run out of order.
Suggested by: <Hidden> (06 Sep, '22) Upvoted: 06 Sep, '22 Comments: 0
Under consideration Dispatching Web Portal

Ordered by field

add an ordered by field at the dispatch level or provide for Dispatch user defined fields
Suggested by: <Hidden> (29 Mar, '21) Upvoted: 29 Mar, '21 Comments: 0

Clear out data in credential field when there is a new driver login in mobile app for Dispatching.

We have drivers rotate trucks occasionally so we have the mobile application setup to automatically clear out the driver once the current driver clocks out. When the ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (29 Sep, '20) Upvoted: 29 Sep, '20 Comments: 0
Under consideration Dispatching Mobile App

Add "Copy" option for Dispatches

Suggested by: <Hidden> (31 Aug, '20) Upvoted: 31 Aug, '20 Comments: 0

Assign driver to truck based on the login provided on mobile app

We sometimes will have drivers drive other trucks than their typically assigned truck. We also have spare trucks that are used daily. Rather than having to assign ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (31 Aug, '20) Upvoted: 31 Aug, '20 Comments: 0
Under consideration Dispatching Mobile App

Add in a note field for the truck on Dispatch

Add option to add a note for each truck on the dispatch so you can give them individual extra info.
Suggested by: <Hidden> (13 Aug, '20) Upvoted: 13 Aug, '20 Comments: 0

Add ability to send Dispatch Alerts to individual drivers

Suggested by: <Hidden> (13 Aug, '20) Upvoted: 13 Aug, '20 Comments: 0

Allow filtering and sorting dispatches by Truck/Hauler

Suggested by: <Hidden> (10 Jun, '20) Upvoted: 10 Jun, '20 Comments: 0

Add Drivers name to dispatch board

the boxes on the disapatch view have a lot of extra space and there is enough room to pull the drivers name alongside the truck # and Broker name
Suggested by: <Hidden> (13 May, '20) Upvoted: 13 May, '20 Comments: 0

Add ability to see current truck GPS location on scale app if using dispatching

No history just the current location of trucks with in-cab devices reporting GPS location. Would help scalehouse plan production and flow.
Suggested by: <Hidden> (14 Jan, '20) Upvoted: 14 Jan, '20 Comments: 0
Under consideration Dispatching Scale Ticketing App